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16+ Support Living

The care and support provided to children & young people do not end once their time in a residential home comes to an end. All accommodation is provided in line with the identified needs of the child or young person.

16+ Supported Accommodation

We offer a range of services and high-quality, safe accommodation which supports, guides, inducts and integrates 16 to 21-year-olds into the community. Young people engaged in higher education may stay on longer with the consent from the placing authority

Outreach Staff

Our outreach staff can become fully involved in the preparation and supportive process of working with alternative placements, and if required, support both the young person and their parents during the transition and reintegration back into their original family home.

Outreach Work

We offer specially tailored outreach work to help give them the opportunities they need to successfully realise their life goals, become more confident at decision-making and achieve independence.

High-Quality Facilities

Our residential accommodation is typically a large house, offering 4 placements. Other accommodations can be accessed if appropriate. Each child & young person has their own room as well as shared living and cooking facilities.

The Next Steps

For children or young people who are moving into a family environment or returning to their own families, we support this transition by maintaining contact and providing assistance for as long as necessary.

Positive Outcomes

The flexible outreach work we deliver, whether it requires social and emotional support, mentorship etc. often produces very positive outcomes, putting children and young people on the perfect pathway to an exciting future.